Thursday, August 25, 2016


Learning Log #1

 a. What are the 21st century skills that you need to develop? How are you going to develop these skills?

             The 21st century skills that I need to develop first is Communication Skills, second is Media Literacy Skills.
             Communication skills involves oral, written and non-verbal communication. Among the three, I am not really good in oral communication and I am in the process of improving myself in that specific area. How? I often involve myself more in public speaking, sharing my views and insights about a certain issue in the society and many others. With a consideration to public response either positively or negatively about it. Through also class oral participation, I took it as a tool to develop my ability to share information, to speak out my thought, to express my feeling and my emotion. I even keep on reading aloud for the mastery of articulating words diction and pronunciation which I did not usually do before because I am the type of person who always prefer in silent reading. Sometimes I met people who just laugh at me when I mispronounced the words instead of correcting my errors. But, I will make it a motivation for the improvement of my oral communication skills.
              The next that I need to improve is my Digital Age Literacy Skills. I am not really that experts in using various computer applications. But with the aid of IT 100, Ed 125, and now Ed 126 classes I believe that I will be equip and knows more about technology uses in education. Moreover, I will maximize my time using computer.

  b. As a future teacher, how will you develop the 21st century skills among your students?

            As a future teacher, I will develop the 21st century skills among my students by making and equipping myself as a 21st century skilled teacher - being a technologist, facilitator, assessor, and collaborator to my students. By this, I can make my classroom a 21st century one considering also the the availability of resources in the school that I will be assign.
            Assuming that I will be assign in a hinterland school, in order for me to develop the 21st century skills of my students, I will make the classroom a learner-centered classroom. By engaging my students more on group activities to hasten their communication, collaboration, adaptability, and leadership skills. Giving them time to explore things by their own to develop innovation, self-direction and creativity skills. I will give them situations to improve problem solving and critical thinking skills and many more activities that will develop other 21st century skills.
           As much as possible, I will let my students in that area handle devices like computers in my own little ways.