Sunday, December 4, 2016

 Learning Log #4

 a. Why do we need to develop self-directed learners?

Image result for self-directed learner

Self-directed learner is an individual that takes the initiative and the responsibility for what occurs. Individuals select, manage, and assess their own learning activities, which can be pursued at any time, in any place, through any means, at any age.  We need to develop this kind of learners because learning do not only takes place in the four corners of the classroom. Learners can now access billions of information in just a second, unlike before. And this advances in technology must be maximize in the learning process. However, it can only be attain if the learners are self-directed in ones own learning.

It is very important that as early as possible, the learners will be train to become an independent learners. Even without the supervision of the teacher they can manage to take every opportunity to learn wisely. They need to understand that they should not be teacher dependent because not all information can be discuss by the teacher in one session of the class. 

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When you are develop to be a self-directed learner, it is a lifelong application. That is why as early as possible this attitude must be install in the mind of the young learners. There is a hundred percent assurance that they will be better and a successful citizen in the future imparting what they learn for the next generation.

    b. As future teachers, how will you help your students become self-directed                      learners?

Image result for teacher facilitating
As a future teacher, I will help my students to become self-directed learners by making a step by step instruction. I will build a scaffold for the foundation of their learning. 
 First, I will conduct a diagnostic evaluation to evaluate their prior knowledge about the activity. In this way I can bridge the gap of their learning. Second, I will prepare my learners to what will be the activity so that they will not be surprise.I will share to them the objectives of every activity before having them perform about it. Third,I will discuss to them how to do the task, I will provide strategies and techniques in order for them to easily understand the concepts. Fourth, I will help them do the task.  Then, I will let them do the tasks on their own. I will allow them to explore and discover more about the tasks. Lastly, I will let them share what they already knew about the topic. This will add to their body of knowledge.

With this process, I can help my learners to be more confidence in their learning.

    c. What student-support materials will you provide your students to help them                 become self-directed?

I will provide them materials that are appropriate for their ability. I will provide guides, outline and templates to make them directions of what to do. I will also use use audio and visual instructional materials and other that will guide them in thinking. I will use instructional materials that will be appropriate for the topic. I will use graphic organizers and multimedia presentations, and videos. I will maximize the use of technology in teaching since the students will be more interested in the topic.

Image result for creative colored graphic organizer
Graphic Organizer
Related image
Image result for multimedia presentation
Multimedia Presentations

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