Friday, December 16, 2016

Learning Log #5

Which topic do you find most significant? Why?
Image result for 21st century skills          The topic that I found most significant is the 21st century skills.
         I believe that 21st century skills are the most essential skills that each student should possess and develop. These are the skills that the students should know and understand before the discussion of the preceding topic so that they can evaluate themselves and reflect to what are the skills that they already had, as well as the skills that they need to improve. From the word skill, meaning it can be attained, it can be practice and it can be develop by anyone. That’s why as early as possible it is nice that the students will already be aware of it. So that they will have enough time to improve themselves the way they want to be.

As an experience, yes, I had already encountered this topic in my previous years but the time that I heard it again in our class, it had a different impact for me when I was listening the discussion. I tried to reflect and evaluate myself of the skills that I don’t have, and the skills that I need to improve. And it is really a great help for me because I knew what were the areas that I am weak and areas that needs more practice and enhancement.

Moreover, this skills are applicable not only in the classroom but throughout life. I can say that it is a good foundation for an effective and successful learning. Because the more you develop this skill the more fulfillment you will have as a student.

Which topic do you find most difficult to understand? Why?

Image result for Copyright

             The topic that I found most difficult to understand is the Copyright. As I was listening the discussion I found it easy because it tackled more on the laws that should be follow in copying document, picture and everything online and others. But the moment that I took the quiz, I was disappointed because it was proven that I did not understand the topic. I don’t know how it happened but I think the Copyright topic for me needs more time to analyze and internalize. Because in the quiz, since it is alphabetical, I was more on just guessing the answer in which the items need analysis for it is mostly an application quiz.
            The lesson that I learned from that experience is ‘’ don’t be too much confident that you know the answer, but read and reread the questions.’’

How do you find the use of our website ( Is it useful or not? Suggest ways to improve it.

Image result for site         

          The website is very useful and helpful for me because anytime and anywhere I can access the topics that had already discussed and the topic that needs to be discussed. Everything is given ahead of time. So, if you are a kind of students that likes to have an advance study of the topic then you can access the presentations directly but if you are a student that likes cramming in studying then it’s your choice.
            In the website, the students had no excuse to say that they haven’t known the topic because in the first place everything was there; and every presentation of the teacher comes from the website. Moreover, the website also is friendly to the students because everything is organized and very self-directed.

           My only suggestion is that, to make the website very successful and accessible there must be always strong internet connection. In my experience, as I accessed the site, I can’t open it due to the poor connection. Especially during the laboratory class.

The new paradigm of education is done by creating engaging and inspiring learning experiences. Was the semester inspiring and engaging to you as a student of ED 126? Why?
Image result for students with the computer        
       Yes, the semester is really inspiring and engaging for me as a student because through this subject, I learned and appreciate the different Google applications. I learned to maximize the use of Google application and I found it too safe in saving the files and very useful in using making power point presentations, document that I need as a student and as a future teacher.
         Through this subject, I engage more of myself in using a computer in which it is my most hate thing to do before. Now, I learned how to use the google docs, google slides, google forms, google calendar, google site, etc. I learned a lot from this subject especially in being a digital citizen.

Suggest ways on how to improve the teaching and learning process in educational technology subject (ED 126)?

           To improve the teaching and learning in educational technology subject I suggest a strong internet connection. This is very important part of the learning experience so that the videos could be played in the class and during laboratory time the students will easily access their myiit accounts and the site in which every instructions and activity was there. 
           Also one of my concerns is the computers in the laboratory time. It is not user friendly because it is very log to use. As I was doing the activities in the lab, it really takes time and the time would mostly consumed by the slow function of the computers. In one and a half hour, only few of the activities would be done.

Image result for internet connection

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